1. General provisions
These Purchase and Sale Rules (hereinafter referred to as the “Rules”) are a legally binding document that establishes the mutual rights, obligations and responsibilities of the Buyer (hereinafter referred to as “You”) and the Seller (hereinafter referred to as “we”) when purchasing goods in the e-shop “E-shop”) www.minrena.lt
2. Protection of personal data
2.1. By approving the Rules, the Buyer agrees that www.minrena.lt will process his name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, delivery address and other data voluntarily provided for the purposes of activity analysis and direct marketing.
2.2. The Seller confirms that the Personal Data provided by the Buyer will be processed only in the e-shop of goods and services www.minrena.lt, as well as for the purposes of analysis and direct marketing of the Seller’s activities (unless the Buyer notifies the data would be processed for direct marketing purposes and submit a request to cancel his account or the data provided by www.minrena.lt). The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s Personal Data to third parties, except in the following cases:
2.2.1. when executing an order or providing other services – to the Seller’s partners providing delivery of goods or other services ordered by the Buyer;
2.2.2. law enforcement institutions in accordance with the procedure provided for in the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;
2.2.3. if it is necessary to prevent or investigate criminal offenses.
2.3. The buyer has the following rights:
2.3.1. to know (be informed) and get acquainted with the processing of your Personal Data, all provisions of which are freely available in the Privacy Policy of www.minrena.lt (Protection of Personal Data);
2.3.2. to receive information from which sources and which Personal Data has been collected, for what purpose they are processed, to which data recipients they have been provided and have been provided at least during the last 1 (one) year;
2.3.3. to demand the rectification, destruction of your Personal Data or the suspension of the processing of Personal Data when the data is processed without complying with the provisions of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data and other laws, except for the cases provided for in the Rules;
2.3.4. do not agree to the processing of his / her Personal Data, but in this case the Buyer will not be able to purchase goods and / or services in the e-shop www.minrena.lt
2.4. The Buyer agrees in advance that the Seller has the right to store his data on the server indefinitely, for all legitimate purposes to store Personal Data.
2.5. Pursuant to the provisions of the Rules, the Buyer’s identity document submitted to the Seller, an employee of the joint-stock company Lietuvos paštas or an employee of the courier service and the Buyer’s data contained therein shall be used only for proper identification.
2.6. In order to provide the Buyer with the full-fledged e-shop www.minrena.lt services, the Seller enters information – cookies – on the Buyer’s computer (device). The Seller uses the entered information to identify the Buyer as a previous visitor of the website www.minrena.lt, to store information about purchases added to the Buyer’s shopping cart, to collect traffic statistics for the website www.minrena.lt. By approving the Rules, the Buyer agrees to the recording of this information on his computer (device). Buyer may revoke this consent at any time by changing the settings of their web browser.
2.7. The Buyer must submit any request or instruction related to the processing of Personal Data to the Seller in writing by sending such a request to the e-mail address info@autominrena.lt. Upon receipt of such request or instruction of the Buyer, the Seller shall provide the Buyer with a written response by e-mail within 10 (ten) calendar days. by post and perform or refuse to perform the actions specified in the request. 2. The moment of concluding the purchase and sale agreement The agreement between you and us is considered concluded from the moment when you have formed a shopping cart in the e-shop, indicated the delivery address, selected the payment method and, having read the Rules and ticked the box “I have read the rules of www.minrena.lt and agree with them Click the “Order” button. Every contract concluded between us and you is stored in the database of www.minrena.lt.
3. Your rights and obligations
You have the right to purchase goods in the e-shop in accordance with these rules and the e-shop. You undertake to accept the ordered goods and pay the agreed price for them. You must ensure that the details provided when ordering are correct. You have the right to terminate the purchase and sale agreement concluded with the www.minrena.lt online store by notifying the Seller within 14 days from the date of delivery or collection. By using the e-shop, you agree to these sales rules and must comply with them.
4. Our rights and obligations
If the Buyer tries to impair the operation or stable operation of the e-shop, we may restrict, suspend the use of the e-shop or cancel the registration of the Buyer without prior notice. In the event of important circumstances, we may temporarily or permanently terminate the operation of the e-shop without prior notice to you. We may unilaterally change the terms of these rules. We undertake to deliver the goods ordered by you to the address specified by you within the agreed delivery period. If important circumstances arise, we are unable to deliver the product you have ordered, we undertake to offer you another product, and if you refuse to accept the product, we will refund the money paid to you.
5. Delivery of goods
The goods are delivered by us or an authorized representative. During the delivery of the goods, you must check the condition (appearance, completeness, quantity) of the goods delivered with the shipment together with us or our authorized representative. If you notice a violation of the consignment, you have the right not to accept the consignment by noting the visible violations in the delivery-acceptance document of the consignment and by drawing up a free-form violation of the consignment, informing us as soon as possible. If you do not follow these steps and accept the goods and sign the delivery-acceptance document of the shipment without comments, it is considered that the shipment has been delivered in order and you have no claims regarding the goods in the shipment.
6. Return of goods
The return of goods takes place in accordance with the ORDER OF THE MINISTER OF ECONOMY OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA OF 29 JUNE 2001 NO. 217 “ON APPROVAL OF RULES FOR RETURN AND EXCHANGE OF ITEMS” and Order No. of the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania no. 258 approved in accordance with the procedure provided for in the Rules of Sale of Goods and Provision of Services by means of Communication. The Buyer must inform the Seller about the defective item within 14 days from the date of delivery or collection. If the item is of poor quality, the notification is sent by e-mail info@autominrena.lt, and the notification indicates the information of the returned item and the reason for the return. The Buyer may exercise this right only if the item has not been damaged and its appearance has not changed, nor has it been used. All returned items must be returned in the packaging in which they were delivered. The packaging must be undamaged, clean, properly prepared and packaged. The returned item must be fully completed. You are responsible for the complete assembly and packaging of the item. If the item is not fully assembled and properly packaged, we or our representative have the right not to accept the item for return. The seller undertakes to accept the item and return the money paid within 15 days of cancellation of the contract. The cost of returning the item is paid by the buyer.
7. Liability
You are solely responsible for the accuracy of the information provided in the registration form. If you do not provide accurate data on the registration form, we will not be liable for any consequences. You are responsible for all actions taken using the e-shop. You are responsible for transferring your login details to third parties. If third parties use your identification code, you are responsible for the actions taken by the third party. In the event of damage, the guilty party shall compensate the other party for the damage suffered.
8. Sending information
We will send all notifications to the email address provided on your registration form. You send all notifications and questions to the e-mail addresses specified in the “Contacts” section of the e-shop.
9. Final provisions
The law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to these rules. All disputes arising out of the application of these rules shall be settled by negotiation. In case of failure to reach an agreement, disagreements shall be resolved in accordance with the procedure established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania. THESE RULES FOR THE PURCHASE OF GOODS ARE THE PROPERTY OF WWW.MINRENA.LT. COPYING AND DISTRIBUTION IS PROHIBITED! ALL INFRINGEMENTS ARE TAKEN IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW PROCEDURE.
10. Requests / Complaints
You can submit a request / complaint regarding the goods or services purchased in our online store to the State Consumer Rights Protection Service (Vilniaus st. 25, 01402 Vilnius, e-mail tarnyba@vvtat.lt, tel. 8 5 262 67 51, fax (8 5 ) 279 1466, on the website www.vvtat.lt, to its territorial subdivisions in counties or to fill in the application form on the EGS platform Are there other alternative consumer dispute resolution institutions according to their competence: the Bank of Lithuania, the Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania, the State Price and Energy Control Commission, the State Energy Inspectorate under the Ministry of Energy, the Lithuanian Bar Council or a body formed by it (not yet notified European Commission) (Article 22 of the Law on Consumer Protection of the Republic of Lithuania).